Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Good Story

Prophet Moses is the only Prophet who can speak directly to God Almighty every time he wanted to bermunajat, Moses going up to Mount Tursina.  On top of that hill she spoke with frequently asked Allah. Prophet Moses and God will answer at that time also.  This excess is not present in the other prophets.

One day the Prophet Moses had asked God. "Oh God, who is people in heaven who will be next door to me?". God answered by saying that person's name, village and place of residence. Setelah mendapat jawapan, After getting the answer, Moses descended from Mount Tursina and kept walking follow the notified place.  After a few days in the journey finally came to the Prophet Moses also intended to place.

With the help of some residents there, he met with that person. After greeting him were admitted and seated in the living room.  The host did not bring out the Prophet Moses.  He went into the booth and doing something on the inside. A moment later he came out, carrying a large sow. Pig carefully supervision.  Prophet Moses was surprised to see it. "What's this?, Moses said in his heart whispered in amazement.

Pigs were cleaned and washed well. After the pigs were wiped dry and then kiss cuddle into dihantar original booth. Not long after he came out once again with a male pig is also greater. Pigs were also washed and cleaned. Then wipe it dry and hugged and kissed affectionately.  Pigs were then beginning to dihantar booth.

Finish work he did bring out the Prophet Moses. "O brothers! What religion are you?". "I'm religion of Tawheed", replied the young man that is the religion of Islam. "But, why do you keep pigs? We can not do that." Kata Nabi Musa. Moses said.

"O master servant", said the boy. "Actually the pig is the mother and biological father. By because they've done a great sin, God has changed their way into an ugly pig apparently. Problem of their sins by God is another matter. It's to do with God. I continue to perform as a chil. The days I devote to both the mother-father who I saw this gentleman. Although they have a way menajadi pig, I still do my job. ", he added.

  "Every day I pray to God to them forgiven. I prayed that God may reinstate a way as mother and my father became a man again, but God still hears me." Added the young man again.

So when it also lowered the revelation of God to the Prophet Moses' O Moses, this man who lived next door to you will be in jannat, the result of very high devotion kepasa his parents. Mother-father who was bad with too much pork he remains devoted, too. By that we raise as a child the maqam is we pious side. "

God also said again that meant: "Because he has been at the Station of the pious child Our side, so we adopted her prayers. Place his parents that we provide in the hell have we moved to Paradise." That's thanks sholeh children. Prayer sholeh children can redeem their parents who will go to hell moved to heaven.

If bad-tempered second mother of our fathers is not our business (naudzubillah), it was not our business, our business is to keep them lovingly as they keep us in childhood to adulthood. Although many sins once they do, it is not our business, our business is to ask forgiveness of Allah so that both mother-father God Almighty we are forgiven children sholeh prayer will help his parents get a good place in the afterlife, this is the long-awaited by the mother-father in the grave.

Meaning of love a child to the mother and father rather than through a cesspool just enough property for their lives, but unfortunately a child to his parents that his prayers are also with his parents received the best place in the side of God, and God's love is returned given to children with a better love.

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